HB 2009 Action #: 506 -- House
Vote type: Cosponsor
Vote: Present
Records 1 to 79 of 79
  Name District Party Vote Class
1 Allen Andrews 001 R Present SR
2 J Eggleston 002 R Present SR
3 Travis Fitzwater 049 R Present SR
4 Shamed Dogan 098 R Present SR
5 Shane Roden 111 R Present SR
6 Rob Vescovo 112 R Present SR
7 Dan Shaul 113 R Present SR
8 Patricia Pike 126 R Present SR
9 Donald Rone 149 R Present SR
10 Rusty Black 007 R Present J
11 Dan Houx 054 R Present J
12 Dean Plocher 089 R Present SR
13 David Gregory 096 R Present J
14 Nate Tate 119 R Present J
15 Mike Stephens 128 R Present J
16 Cody Smith 163 R Present J
17 Greg Sharpe 004 R Present SO
18 Louis Riggs 005 R Present SO
19 William Falkner 010 R Present SO
20 Brenda Shields 011 R Present SO
21 Jon Patterson 030 R Present SO
22 Jeffrey Coleman 032 R Present SO
23 Jeff Porter 042 R Present SO
24 Kent Haden 043 R Present SO
25 Brad Pollitt 052 R Present SO
26 Mike Haffner 055 R Present SO
27 Rodger Reedy 057 R Present SO
28 Rudy Veit 059 R Present SO
29 David Griffith 060 R Present SO
30 Aaron Griesheimer 061 R Present SO
31 Jim Murphy 094 R Present SO
32 Michael ODonnell 095 R Present SO
33 MaryElizabeth Coleman 097 R Present SO
34 Dale Wright 116 R Present SO
35 Jeff Knight 129 R Present SO
36 Craig Fishel 136 R Present SO
37 John Black 137 R Present SO
38 Christina Dinkins 144 R Present SO
39 Herman Morse 151 R Present SO
40 Hardy Billington 152 R Present SO
41 Dave Evans 154 R Present SO
42 Lane Roberts 161 R Present SO
43 Scott Cupps 158 R Present SO
44 Darrell Atchison 153 R Present SO
45 Bill Owen 131 R Present F
46 Chris Brown 016 R Present F
47 Kurtis Gregory 051 R Present F
48 Willard Haley 058 R Present F
49 Terry Thompson 053 R Present F
50 Travis Smith 155 R Present F
51 Bennie Cook 142 R Present F
52 Dean Van-Schoiack 009 R Present F
53 Cyndi Buchheit-Courtway 115 R Present F
54 Jamie Burger 148 R Present F
55 Bishop Davidson 130 R Present F
56 Josh Hurlbert 012 R Present F
57 James Kalberloh 125 R Present F
58 Chad Perkins 040 R Present SR
59 Randy Railsback 008 R Present F
60 Alex Riley 134 R Present F
61 Adam Schwadron 106 R Present F
62 Marlene Terry 066 D Present F
63 Rusty Black 12 R Present -
64 Travis Fitzwater 25 R Present -
65 Travis Fitzwater 10 R Present -
66 MaryElizabeth Coleman 22 R Present -
67 Bennie Cook 143 R Present F
68 Peggy McGaugh 007 R Present SO
69 Josh Hurlbert 008 R Present F
70 Kent Haden 043 R Present SO
71 Phil Christofanelli 104 R Present J
72 Adam Schwadron 105 R Present F
73 Bill Hardwick 121 R Present F
74 Lisa Thomas 124 R Present F
75 James Kalberloh 126 R Present F
76 Jeff Knight 142 R Present F
77 Lisa Thomas 123 R Present F
78 John Black 129 R Present SO
79 Mike Henderson 117 R Present J